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Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions about using Kollit.ai
Core Platform
What exactly is Kollit.ai and how does it help me with trading?
Is Kollit.ai a prediction or trading bot?
Do I need to be an experienced trader to use Kollit?
Can I use Kollit for any type of asset?
How much does it cost to use Kollit?
Can I have multiple predictions for the same asset?
What happens if I need to modify my prediction after creating it?
Why do I need to set five different price points for each prediction?
What's the difference between the 'Baseline' and 'Pessimistic' price points?
Can I extend the duration of my prediction?
Why do I need tokens to use Kollit?
How do I get more tokens?
What happens to my tokens if I delete a prediction?
Do unused tokens expire?
Do I get tokens back if my prediction is successful?
What's the difference between 'Risk Tolerance' and 'Pace' in strategy settings?
Can I modify my strategy after creating it?
How do I know when to execute trades in my strategy?
What happens if I miss a trading opportunity in my strategy?
Can I export my strategy data for record-keeping?